Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dont Care for People!!!!

I have this very BAD habit of being concerned about my friends. It can be something as trivial as a common cold. I will keep giving some simple remedies like take some steam etc etc.
The WORST thing is i do not understand it even when friends say "I will take care of myself . I can ".
Is it really bad to be concerned about friends? Especially if the cold forces the friend to leave work half way through and come back home early? I always thought that it is good to care about the near and the dear ones. They will feel wanted and nice. But I guess I should hold myself back and restrain being concerned. At the end of the day each one is capable of taking care of themselves. But isnt it very natural, when some one is ill, and someone is concerned about this person, the person feels nice? Well have got the answer and its a big NO.
But the habit in me of being concerned never understands. Thanks to not understanding i get to hear something like this " I get very uncomfy atleast a part of me does when my friends fuss over me its always the other way around I cover for them they should not need to cover for me". It is a very "nice" way of putting "You shut up. I know how to take care of myself".
Well i have now decided that i am not going to be concerned. Why should i bother if any one is ill, whether there illness aggrevates or reduces? At the end of the day what do i have to lose? Let them suffer. Long live the sufferers!!!!!

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