Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Aamir's done a commendabe job!

A friend and me have been deciding for the past few days to go watch Taare Zameen Par! But some how i was not really able to. Finally today i could spare some time and we went.

Very frankly, i found the first half a lil slow and dragged in some parts. But the second half was excellent. Kudos to Aamir for the excellent job that he has done. The movie is worthy of all the praises. And it is unbelievable that this happens to be Aamir's first movie as a director.

What appealed to me the most was, that the father of the child was just not ready to accept that there was some problem with his son . And i think this is absolutely true in the real world as well. I guess it is natural of Parents not wanting to accept that the child has a problem, as each parent wants his/her child to be the best. In case of Ishaan, he was fortunate enough to have found Nikumbh Sir, to realise the issue with him. What if he had not noticed him?

The child actor Darsheel needs SPECIAL recommendations. It was just amazing the way he has essayed the character with the bare minimum words.

When i was watching the movie I felt that the storyline was close to that of a boy who stays in my apartment. This boy called Akshay suffers Autism, due to which he is unable to differentiate between the sexes, cannot bear with loud sounds, does not understand grammar etc., but Akshay also plays the piano very well. He very well knows how to make people appreciate him. Like when he is playing the piano, he doesnt like to be disturbed with applauses. So once he is done he asks the audience to clap for him. I really find that so cute.

This blog is dedicated to all those Special Children of God! I hope each one finds a good teacher and does well in life.


paclot said...

I agree with your views here. I wish the movie had cut down a bit on songs, though. Too many, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you here. Aamir's really done a great job. However, I wish the movie had cut down a bit on the songs. Too many, in my opinion. Overall, a mind-blowing film.

Bhakti said...

i agree with the both of u on the song part. but i loved the song about the mother. that clearly depicts the emotions of the child.