Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dont Care for People!!!!

I have this very BAD habit of being concerned about my friends. It can be something as trivial as a common cold. I will keep giving some simple remedies like take some steam etc etc.
The WORST thing is i do not understand it even when friends say "I will take care of myself . I can ".
Is it really bad to be concerned about friends? Especially if the cold forces the friend to leave work half way through and come back home early? I always thought that it is good to care about the near and the dear ones. They will feel wanted and nice. But I guess I should hold myself back and restrain being concerned. At the end of the day each one is capable of taking care of themselves. But isnt it very natural, when some one is ill, and someone is concerned about this person, the person feels nice? Well have got the answer and its a big NO.
But the habit in me of being concerned never understands. Thanks to not understanding i get to hear something like this " I get very uncomfy atleast a part of me does when my friends fuss over me its always the other way around I cover for them they should not need to cover for me". It is a very "nice" way of putting "You shut up. I know how to take care of myself".
Well i have now decided that i am not going to be concerned. Why should i bother if any one is ill, whether there illness aggrevates or reduces? At the end of the day what do i have to lose? Let them suffer. Long live the sufferers!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


How correct is it that you barge some one without letting the person complete what he / she was saying? You dont let the person complete and neither do you let the person give explanation.
Person A accusses Person B of being lethargic. This accusation has been going on for too long. Person B tries to explain on number of occasion, but A is NEVER in a mood to listen to explanations. Therefore A always is under own assumptions. At the same time, A is very much at fault. If you want B to do a certain task, then why is it that you have to tell B about it only at the 11th hour. Can B NEVER be intimated about the task well in hand? When this is a task that is decided before hand? How can B be called as lethargic? Remember B also has other tasks in hand that also need to be completed. There are times when these tasks need more attention. A only is of the opinion that the task assigned is the most important task. Why should all the tasks that A assigns are important?

Person C is always in the background and has been a witness to most of such accusations. One fine day C finally decides that A needs to be told that B is not at fault. So the accusations better stop. C with the kind permission of A, starts telling A that B is not at fault. A does not even listen to the complete sentence and starts barging C. Now the whole issue is side lined and A hurls all that is possible at C.

Was C interfering? Remember it was with the permission of A that C did start speaking. Is C at fault? That C was trying to protect B from A? Is it wrong to side the person who is right and stand up against who is inflicting wrath for no reason on some one who is absolutely innocent?

Does C not have a standing as a person? How fair is it that A hurls all the nonsense possible at C, without letting C complete?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


A dear friend happened to mail me a story on Relationships. i read it and couldn't stop thinking about it. Here was a story which had reflected the exact picture of life.
I have copied the story here. It goes as:
A man asked his father-in-law: "Many people praised you for a successful marriage. Could you please share with me your secret?"
The father-in-law answered with a smile: "Never criticize your wife for her shortcomings or when she does something wrong. Always bear in mind that because of her shortcomings and weaknesses, she could not find a better husband than you."
When i read this story i remembered a conversation that i had with a friend, who had recently got engaged. He had asked me as to what is it that he should do and what is it that he should avoid. I remember telling him never point fingers at her family members. But i did not think it of it and add no pointing fingers at her as well. I guess i made a mistake there. Very often we take our near and dear ones for granted.
It is said that "When we point A finger at a person, the other four are pointing at ourselves".
This is something that most of us very conviniently forget. No one on the face of earth is perfect. We all want to be praised. We all want to be loved and respected. But do we praise the others? Who doesn't make mistakes? It is because of the mistakes that we make are we human beings, else we would have been God ourselves.
We expect to be forgiven, but how many times do we forgive others? Why is it so difficult for us to forgive others? How easily is it that our ego gets hurt? Why do we not remember that the person is more important than our ego?
How often do we think of the other person, as to why was it that the other person behaved in the manner, that he or she behaved? May be we are at fault? Or may be the circumstances were so.
Very often we do not give the other person a chance to clarify his / her behaviour. Then a number of years down the line we repent for the mistake. But then what is the point? All the harm has already been done. How can it be undone after all these years? Or inspite of being convinced about the other person's innocence, we do not accept things and be rigid in life.
What happens at the end of the day we loose a near and dear one. At the end of the day it is the ego which has to be handled.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Is Pratibha Patil as eligible as certain Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam?

(I had written this post a long ago. But hadnt published it. Sorry for the delay. I had actually forgotten all about it. My apology for the same )

In my blog "What is the name of the President of India", KP commented that i should not worry about the name of the President but should dwell on whether Ms Patil is as eligible as Mr Kalam.

Here i am thinking about all that KP has to say:-

Well i guess any sensible and educated person would agree that Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is the MOST suitable candidate for the post of the President of the country.

But lets not forget that the President of the country is chosen by an electoral college. This electoral college consists of the elected members of the state assemblies, the upper & the house of Parliament. Now lets have a look at who are the people who elect(??) these members. I have said elect(??) as all of us are aware that more often than not the polls are rigged. And also the party which is in power viz Congress(I) has always played the emotional card about having struggled(??) for the country.

At the first place Congress (I) means Congress(Indira). When Indira Gandhi wanted power after the death of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and the seniors members of the Indian National Congress (INC), where not ready to give the reins in her hand, she defected from INC and formed her own party called as the Congress (I). So it means that her party isn't THE party which fought in the freedom struggle. As a matter of fact it is a party that was formed to fulfill Indira Gandhi's ambition of ruling the country.

Now Indira (I'm sorry for addressing her with her first name, but as a matter of fact i dont respect her at all, except for the first Pokharan Tests conducted by her, by making the Buddha laugh) did not DIE for the country, as her DARLING daughter - in - law and the Congress (I) claims. She is no martyr. She got what she rightly deserved. So did her son. Rajiv was killed for his role in helping the Sri Lankan Government against the LTTE. Infact help was asked for to negotiate between the warring LTTE and ther Sri Lankan government.

Sonia Gandhi has just used these deaths to the best of her advantage and has come to power. the next shrewed move was to decline the Prime Minister's seat and make Dr. Manmohan Singh the Prime Minister. A person of Dr. Singh's stature has been made a puppet with strings in the hands of Sonia.

Similarly when Pratibha Patil was made the President, she actually wanted someone who would just act the way she wants it to be. There was no national interest that was thought of. It was the personal interest that was thought of. The Congress(I) claims that they have given the nation her first woman President, i have a Question that i want to ask all the Congress members as to why has it not been able to make 33% reservations for women? Why is it difficut for them to get that bill passed? It very clearly shows the ulterior motives that the woman (Sonia) has.
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalaam was the man with a mission and vision. Only if India is able to utilise his expertise by half, India will be able to race well ahead of times.

With due respect to the President of the country i would like to conclude that Ms. Patil was happy with the gubnetorial post that she was in, and would have continued to enjoy it. But the nation would have enjoyed if Dr. Kalaam was re- elected the President of the country.

Friday, January 25, 2008

What is the name of the President of India?

India has elected(??) a woman President after 60 years of Independence. But very unfortunate that the people do not know the name of the President. This was clearly evident when the commentary was given for the Republic Day Parade on Rajpath. And mind you well it was a commentary on Doordarshan. The National channel owned by the Government of India. It is the channel that has the most viewership inspite of advent of the cable tv. And lets not forget its the Congress led government that is leading the country. Which means they have complete control over the telecommunication media especially Dorrdarshan.

Is she Pratibha Patil or Pratibha Devisingh Patil or Pratibha Devisingh Shekhawat? All this while she was always referred to as Smt. Pratibha Patil, even when she was the Governor of Rajasthan before she was elected the President. Incidentally Rajasthan is the state from where her Husband hails, so practically she is Pratibha Shekhwat. But her official records says she is Pratibha Patil.

Now when she has become the President, why is it that she is been referred to as Pratibha Devisingh Patil? i do not see the reason why? Has it got anything to do with the Male dominance?

The worst is her husband was called Devisingh Patil. Lets get the facts right he is Devisingh Shekhawat.

So i guess its for the President to instruct and well publish her ACTUAL name. So that such blunders do not happen atleast on National television.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Aamir's done a commendabe job!

A friend and me have been deciding for the past few days to go watch Taare Zameen Par! But some how i was not really able to. Finally today i could spare some time and we went.

Very frankly, i found the first half a lil slow and dragged in some parts. But the second half was excellent. Kudos to Aamir for the excellent job that he has done. The movie is worthy of all the praises. And it is unbelievable that this happens to be Aamir's first movie as a director.

What appealed to me the most was, that the father of the child was just not ready to accept that there was some problem with his son . And i think this is absolutely true in the real world as well. I guess it is natural of Parents not wanting to accept that the child has a problem, as each parent wants his/her child to be the best. In case of Ishaan, he was fortunate enough to have found Nikumbh Sir, to realise the issue with him. What if he had not noticed him?

The child actor Darsheel needs SPECIAL recommendations. It was just amazing the way he has essayed the character with the bare minimum words.

When i was watching the movie I felt that the storyline was close to that of a boy who stays in my apartment. This boy called Akshay suffers Autism, due to which he is unable to differentiate between the sexes, cannot bear with loud sounds, does not understand grammar etc., but Akshay also plays the piano very well. He very well knows how to make people appreciate him. Like when he is playing the piano, he doesnt like to be disturbed with applauses. So once he is done he asks the audience to clap for him. I really find that so cute.

This blog is dedicated to all those Special Children of God! I hope each one finds a good teacher and does well in life.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Daughter of the East or Darling of the West?

I had just returned from my Project work and Dad called me and asked me to watch the news. What news? Benazir Bhutto was assasinated.

Only a few days back had President Pervez Musharaf called her the Darling of the West. What was the reason that she had decided to end her self imposed Exile? Did she actually have the people of Pakistan on her mind? Or was it for power? Inspite of an assasination bid in October when she returned to Pakistan, she decided to stay back in Pakistan?

Initially she was a friend to the Prez. And now he was calling her the "Darling of the West". Is she actually a Darling of the West, as the Prez would like to call her or rather calls her? or is she the daughter of the East? She happens to be the youngest and first woman Prime Minister of an Islamic country at the age of 35. Never did she enjoy the 5 years of power. She was ousted from power more than one time under the charges of corruption.

I just happened to read an article on, which shows the other side of Benazir. The article says "she spent $6 million of the state exchequer to import Evian water for herself during her first term as prime minister." Now was she really feeling for the people of the land that she was the Prime Minister of? People were languishing in poverty and she was spending $6 million. What a waste of money?

I also happen to read something about her (sorry forgot the source), which talks about may be what the Prez has to say about her is correct. And i repeat MAY BE. This article spoke about how she was an ally of the US. How is it that she talks with the President of Afghanistan Mr. Hamid Karzai and mentions about threat to her life? Was it because she wanted to communicate this to the so called "Saviour of the World"??? With this is mean Mr. George Bush. And if she knew that her life was in danger then why was she staying in Pakistan? It looks very similar to what happened in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden was supported initially by the US (Mr. George Bush Senior was the Prez then) against the former USSR forces. And when he became a threat to the US. George Bush Junior starts a campaign against him. History repeated itself and this time it was Pervez Musharaf instead of Osama. And as power was handed to Karzai, US wanted to hand power to its ally(right now, Pervez WAS a foe and Ms. Bhutto an ally)...

The BEST article though is ofcourse the article on rediff.

She was just playing with the feelings of the "uneducated" masses for her own benefit. If she really felt so much, she should have suffered with the people under the rule of the Prez. There is another Daughter in the East who is fighting for Democracy in her country. She can certainly be termed as the Daughter of the East. She is none other than Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar. She is suffering with the people. And not enjoying a swank life like Ms. Bhutto enjoyed. For example jet setting every now and then to meet her children in Dubai , London etc. Where did all the money come from?Was it earned by Mr. Zhulfikar Ali Bhutto? Lets not forget the fight ensued between Ms. Bhutto and her brother over power and money, who was eventually killed during her reign as the Prime Minister. Or was it earned by the "Daughter of the East" herself, when she was in power?
She ONLY returned, when she knew power was up for grabs...???