Wednesday, June 11, 2008


A dear friend happened to mail me a story on Relationships. i read it and couldn't stop thinking about it. Here was a story which had reflected the exact picture of life.
I have copied the story here. It goes as:
A man asked his father-in-law: "Many people praised you for a successful marriage. Could you please share with me your secret?"
The father-in-law answered with a smile: "Never criticize your wife for her shortcomings or when she does something wrong. Always bear in mind that because of her shortcomings and weaknesses, she could not find a better husband than you."
When i read this story i remembered a conversation that i had with a friend, who had recently got engaged. He had asked me as to what is it that he should do and what is it that he should avoid. I remember telling him never point fingers at her family members. But i did not think it of it and add no pointing fingers at her as well. I guess i made a mistake there. Very often we take our near and dear ones for granted.
It is said that "When we point A finger at a person, the other four are pointing at ourselves".
This is something that most of us very conviniently forget. No one on the face of earth is perfect. We all want to be praised. We all want to be loved and respected. But do we praise the others? Who doesn't make mistakes? It is because of the mistakes that we make are we human beings, else we would have been God ourselves.
We expect to be forgiven, but how many times do we forgive others? Why is it so difficult for us to forgive others? How easily is it that our ego gets hurt? Why do we not remember that the person is more important than our ego?
How often do we think of the other person, as to why was it that the other person behaved in the manner, that he or she behaved? May be we are at fault? Or may be the circumstances were so.
Very often we do not give the other person a chance to clarify his / her behaviour. Then a number of years down the line we repent for the mistake. But then what is the point? All the harm has already been done. How can it be undone after all these years? Or inspite of being convinced about the other person's innocence, we do not accept things and be rigid in life.
What happens at the end of the day we loose a near and dear one. At the end of the day it is the ego which has to be handled.