Monday, February 25, 2008

Is Pratibha Patil as eligible as certain Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam?

(I had written this post a long ago. But hadnt published it. Sorry for the delay. I had actually forgotten all about it. My apology for the same )

In my blog "What is the name of the President of India", KP commented that i should not worry about the name of the President but should dwell on whether Ms Patil is as eligible as Mr Kalam.

Here i am thinking about all that KP has to say:-

Well i guess any sensible and educated person would agree that Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is the MOST suitable candidate for the post of the President of the country.

But lets not forget that the President of the country is chosen by an electoral college. This electoral college consists of the elected members of the state assemblies, the upper & the house of Parliament. Now lets have a look at who are the people who elect(??) these members. I have said elect(??) as all of us are aware that more often than not the polls are rigged. And also the party which is in power viz Congress(I) has always played the emotional card about having struggled(??) for the country.

At the first place Congress (I) means Congress(Indira). When Indira Gandhi wanted power after the death of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and the seniors members of the Indian National Congress (INC), where not ready to give the reins in her hand, she defected from INC and formed her own party called as the Congress (I). So it means that her party isn't THE party which fought in the freedom struggle. As a matter of fact it is a party that was formed to fulfill Indira Gandhi's ambition of ruling the country.

Now Indira (I'm sorry for addressing her with her first name, but as a matter of fact i dont respect her at all, except for the first Pokharan Tests conducted by her, by making the Buddha laugh) did not DIE for the country, as her DARLING daughter - in - law and the Congress (I) claims. She is no martyr. She got what she rightly deserved. So did her son. Rajiv was killed for his role in helping the Sri Lankan Government against the LTTE. Infact help was asked for to negotiate between the warring LTTE and ther Sri Lankan government.

Sonia Gandhi has just used these deaths to the best of her advantage and has come to power. the next shrewed move was to decline the Prime Minister's seat and make Dr. Manmohan Singh the Prime Minister. A person of Dr. Singh's stature has been made a puppet with strings in the hands of Sonia.

Similarly when Pratibha Patil was made the President, she actually wanted someone who would just act the way she wants it to be. There was no national interest that was thought of. It was the personal interest that was thought of. The Congress(I) claims that they have given the nation her first woman President, i have a Question that i want to ask all the Congress members as to why has it not been able to make 33% reservations for women? Why is it difficut for them to get that bill passed? It very clearly shows the ulterior motives that the woman (Sonia) has.
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalaam was the man with a mission and vision. Only if India is able to utilise his expertise by half, India will be able to race well ahead of times.

With due respect to the President of the country i would like to conclude that Ms. Patil was happy with the gubnetorial post that she was in, and would have continued to enjoy it. But the nation would have enjoyed if Dr. Kalaam was re- elected the President of the country.