Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Good Bye!!!

As usual i went upstairs to remind Him that its 4:30 pm, now i dont have to tell Him this explicitly. as soon as i go up He understands that its 4:30. He greeted me the normal way and the others around also understood that it was time for them to leave.

He sent a message saying that all the others standing down should hurry and come up at the earliest. i passed the message.
so started the normal(?????) day. but today He was in a hurry. that is when my doubt about today being the last day was confirmed! i had got a hint yesterday itself. as for the first time we were made to wait way past 6:30. when the latest we normally leave is by 6:45.

He was calm. He went around doing His task normally. but i could sense His restlessness. with experience i knew He does get restless as its time to bid good bye. but today He was a little more restless than he "usually" is. i guess He also had a reason to be.

at 6:30 He came back and asked everyone if there was any problem. no one had a problem. and He started trembling. His hands were shaking. His voice was cracking. He turned His back to the audience. He cleaned the white board. and said "Today is the last day between you all and me. May be we will meet again, May be we wont meet again" He was making His best efforts to speak. it was heart wrenching to see someone fall short of words, who otherwise just cant stop talking. He said sorry to all those whom He had hurt whether knowingly or unknowingly. i had no courage to look upto Him. i mustered courage. and when i looked at Him, He turned away his face. He was trying His level best to hide the tears running down his eyes.

He turned to the whiteboard again and this time was indeed going to be the last time when we were going to read something written on the whiteboard sitting in front of him on the chairs. He wrote "Thank You! Love U Forever. Daya 21/11/2007 (Daya being His signature)" and said the last words we heard sitting on the chairs "I cant speak any more". He folded his hands(la Namaste style) and wiped the tears and walked into His cabin.

for the first time their was pin drop silence and no one knew what had hit them and how where they to react. the guys as well as the girls were crying. and no one would belive it that 1 year had passed with such wonderful memories. and it got confirmed that how much ever He is hard on the exterior but the softest within.
I got a befitting message :-
"Did you know that tears can sometimes be more special than smiles?? for smiles can be given to anyone but tears are only shed for people we dont want to LOOSE..."

This is for HIM:--------
"Sir we NEVER want to LOOSE You. for You have taught us much more than what we had expected. and hence i understand when You say running Your hand on the whiteboard You didnt cheat THIS.

Thanks for EVERY SINGLE THING. Didnot just learn DataStructures, C++, and Java. But learnt life and how best to live life.

my pricest possesions are going to be my Notebooks that i used in the class. and everytime i open them words will ring "अग किती छाप्शील? बास करना आता! बर अस कर तू ना एक पुस्तक छाप" [(meaning how much will you write. why dont you publish a book?)=--this was said as He was of the opinion that while writing down your concentration to the speaker reduces.]

You will always be remembered and cherised. With lots of Love and Hugs!!!

p.s.: i will prove it to You i am not like the girls whom You always speak about. i am different. and one day You will HAVE to accept this... (will say HAVE च and च म्हणजे final ;-)) "

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

People's Behaviour!!

hello! here i am with my new write up...

today i went for aerobics after a real time. and at that this was a batch taken my favorite instructor(lets name the instructor "A"), so was super excited as well. long time as had my xams and didnt go to the gym in those days which was followed by hols to d gym b'coz of Diwali.

neways so today i went for areobics. the batch started on a high note as the entire Areobics hall was stuffed wit people. which gave "A" a real high.10 mins into the batch walks in a lady(???)at the first place that woman walks in late. shoves people arnd. nw i dont u'stand y cant ppl stand for thr own rights???

at the end of the warm up she had kinda well established herself. we took the benches so does ths woman. while i was talkn wit "A", she very happily pushed my bench 2wards the wall and pushes the bench of the girl behind me in front. now i cudnt fathom y on earth did she do that?? so i gave her a "look" and asked her how am i 2 do the bench?? she jst tries to shut me up wit her "ok, ok". i am a person who for nuts cant shut up in situations like this. i again pushed the benches to thr original place.

after the bench workout started ths woman pushed tht girl so tactically and made place(or shd i say more place) for herself that she was occupying place meant for 2 ppl..

she also made me laugh wit the way she was doin her bench steps... :)

nw after the batch was over, while i was talkn wit "A", ths woman jst interrupts and starts talkn wit "A". i jst walked out..

later "A" happnd 2 mention it 2 me that the woman's a doctor.. wit whch i realised tht "no formal education can give u the education tht u require to deal in the society".............

Sunday, November 11, 2007


hello Friends!!
this is my first blog... which means i am a child in the blogging world! lemme start and you all thr will tell me if i hv done a decent job..

its one of those time in the year which i really like.. its diwali time.. the entire country is well lit and decorated. i am sure when ths festival was started, alot of thought process must hv gone into it. whr thr is smethng spl for each of those main days of diwali.

on the new yr day ie. Padva..(now dont ask me why is it that thr r 2 new years tht are celebrated one of them being the diwali padva and the other being "GUDI PADVA" which is celebrated in the month of March\April), all my college frnds actually coaxed and forced me to join them to go n watch the deeputsav tht is held each year in SarasBaug. nw i am not the kinds who will visit SarasBaug. I fell prey to all the coaxing and decided to go.

bt the biggest hindrance being waking up at 4am. what an hr to wake up and leave.. Richa did a decent job of waking me up a lil late ie 4:15am ohh hw precious i thot were those 15 mins of blissful sleepn. finally managed to reach the place arnd 5:30. i had actually thot we are goin to b only those idiots who dint hv a better job to do at tht hr and ended thr.. bt i was sadly mistaken. the road leadn 2 SarasBaug was choc-o-block. it took me 15 mins 2 find a parking place.

trust me the DEEP - UTSAV was all worth the pain.. i knew Punekars were an enthu lot bt ths enthu well.. tht speaks abt the spirit of the Punekars.. thr were ppl from a few months old to grand dad and grand moms.. all hvn a whale of a time. thr were sme young guys who were thr to do sme watchn (or shd i call it bird watchn) or thr were sme who wantd 2 go n light up d entire place. thr was sme musical prog arranged thr.. thot who wud want 2 sit thr n silent to the songs whn thr was such beauty beckoning.. i was proved wrong thr a no. of them who rather loved sitting thr and listening. or may b they were tired after tkn a couple of rounds of the place.

i hv decided tht i'll b goin next yr again 2 witness all the fun again.. though hvn stayed in Pune for so long dint knw abt it.. i thank Richa 4 forcing me 2 cme.